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"Chinese Cup" Hong Kong Calligraphy Competition 2022

Organizer: Hong Kong Competitive Assessment Association

Organizer: Cultural and Creative Technology Co., Ltd.


Purpose of the Contest:

The Hong Kong Athletics Association holds calligraphy competitions to encourage primary and secondary school students to develop an interest in calligraphy and learn about the art of Chinese calligraphy and its evolution. It is hoped that participants can cultivate a happy, calm, rational and stable mind through calligraphy, a meaningful medium, to meet future challenges.



硬筆 及 毛筆 書法組

小一至小三      小學初級組

小四至小六      小學高級組

中一至中三      中學初級組

中四至中六      中學高級組

公開組             18歲或以上公眾人士參與









(1)  小學組及初中組: 採用不超過 26x58 公分之九 宮格紙書寫。

(2)  高中組: 採用不超過 35×70 公分之宣紙書寫。

(3)  公開組: 採用不超過 35×130 公分之宣紙書寫。

作品無需裝裱,參賽者可自行決定書體(楷書、隸書、 行書、草書等),但格式必須為 直書。



小學及中學組: 參賽表格、比賽題目及專用方格紙派給學生參賽。比賽表格將會上載於香港競技評核總會官方網站(,學校及學生可自行下載。


公開組: 公眾人士可於香港競技評核總會的官方網站(自行下載參賽有關資料。







比賽分初賽及決賽兩個階段, 在收到作品後所有作品將交由評判團評審,評判會於學校組別的作品中選出金、銀、銅等級的作品,並從金獎中挑選優異生參與決賽。公開組則由評判直接選出能夠進入決賽的參賽者。









報名費用:   全免


其他費用:   賽事按作品之成績頒發獎項,參賽者可在公佈賽事成績後按個別需要申請領取。


比賽証書: 港幣50元正   (連運費寄往報名表填寫之地址)

比賽獎盃:港幣250元正 (連運費寄往報名表填寫之地址)


wah man calligraphy 2022 poster.png

Submit application form and entries:

Hard Pen Set

Fill in the online registration form and click "Submit". You will receive a "Contest Confirmation Reply" via email. Fill in the "Contest Number" in the email on the entry, and then mail or hand in the entry to the association's office.

Brush Set

Fill in the online registration form and click "Submit". You will receive a "Contest Confirmation" via email. Fill in the "Contest Number" in the email on the "Brush Calligraphy Group Topic and Contest Work Submission Cover" . Send the "Brush Calligraphy Group Topic and Contest Work Submission Cover" together with the contest works by mail or in person to the association's office.

Submit your work by mail or in person:

Room 1604, Telford Building, 16 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay

Hong Kong Competitive Assessment Association

"Chinese Cup" Hong Kong Calligraphy Competition 2022

Registration Deadline:

March 18, 2022

(After completing the online registration form, the work must be mailed to the Association’s office on or before March 18, 2022. Late submissions will not be processed.)

Important competition dates




Primary and Secondary School Group:


Participating Schools


(1) Chinese Cup (one prize each for the primary school group and the secondary school group, awarded by the competition organizer)


The Chinese Cup is the grand prize of this competition. The winning school represents the best performance among all participating schools (assessed by the level of participation and the level and number of awards won by students). The overall handwriting of students has reached an excellent level in Hong Kong.


(2) Online Exhibition Hall (Primary and Secondary Schools that won the Chinese Cup)

The winning schools will also receive an online exhibition hall created by the association for people from all walks of life to appreciate the students' works.


Primary and secondary school students


There will be one champion, one runner-up and one third runner-up in each category of hard pen and brush calligraphy, as well as an unlimited number of gold, silver, bronze, honors and participation awards.


Public Group:

There will be one champion, one runner-up and one third runner-up in each category of hard pen and brush calligraphy, as well as an unlimited number of gold, silver, bronze, honors and participation awards.


Articles of Association and Bylaws:


  1. The preliminary round of the "Chinese Cup Hong Kong Calligraphy Competition 2022" will be conducted in accordance with the "Comprehensive Rules and Regulations of the Competition", "Additional Rules for Competitions without Attendance" and the additional rules and regulations of this competition of the Hong Kong Competitive Assessment Association; the final round of the "Chinese Cup Hong Kong Calligraphy Competition 2022" will be conducted in accordance with the "Comprehensive Rules and Regulations of the Competition", "Additional Rules for Non-Performance Competitions with Attendance" and the additional rules and regulations of this competition of the Hong Kong Competitive Assessment Association. Once registered, participants have understood and agreed to abide by the contents of each rule and regulation.

2. The "Chinese Cup Hong Kong Calligraphy Competition 2021" has a dedicated online registration method. The competition does not accept registration and submission of works other than the dedicated registration form.

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