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Hong Kong Metropolitan Piano Art Competition

Organizer: Hong Kong Competitive Assessment Association Organizer: Cultural and Creative Technology Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Arts Development Federation
Purpose of the Contest:
To provide a performance platform for piano students and encourage them to continuously improve their personal skills and musical accomplishment through continuous performances and training.
Competition Date:
August 14, 2018
Registration Deadline:
June 30, 2018
Competition Location:
Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Competition Category:

Chinese Cup Hong Kong Calligraphy Competition 2018
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Awards and Ratings:

Each category has gold, silver, bronze and honors awards, with no limit on the number;

There will also be one champion, one runner-up and one third runner-up.

(If there are less than five participants in an event, there will only be one champion for that event; if there are less than three participants in an event, there will be no ranking for that event.)


The champion, runner-up and third place of each group will be determined according to the order of group results. The champion of the event must receive a gold medal, and the runner-up and third place must receive a silver medal or above. If no participant meets the score requirement for the event, the award will be cancelled.


Outstanding Mentor Award

Mentors/units who guide 5 or more contestants to participate in the competition will be awarded the "Excellent Piano Training Award"

If more than 5 contestants under the guidance of the instructor/unit receive silver medals or above, they will be awarded the "Excellent Piano Instructor Award "



  1. 所有參賽者一經遞交報名表,即表示完全明白、接受及同意遵守本賽事之章程及規則內之所有條款。

  2. 一切章程、規則及資料,均以網上之最新公佈為準。各參賽者需自行留意本會之公布。

  3. 參賽者可選擇參加多於一項賽事,唯不能於相同組別中重覆報名。

  4. 賽會於報名時並不負責檢查參賽者是否符合參賽資格,參賽者需於比賽當天準備有效之身份証明文件予大會工作人員核對身份及資格。

  5. 任何不符合參賽資格、不遵守本會要求或違規者,不論賽前或賽後,均可能被取消資格而不獲另行通知,以及不獲發還報名費。

  6. 所有報名費一經繳交,不論任何原因,均不得退還或轉讓。

  7. 所有組別之比賽日期、時間、出場序及地點,由賽會全權安排,參賽者不得異議或更改。

  8. 所有組別不設背譜限制,參賽者可自行選擇。

  9. 參賽者演奏時,除D.C. 及 D.S 之指示外,無需重覆演奏。

  10. 評判認為在能給予參賽者評分或評級的情況下,評判有權於適當時間終止參賽者之演奏。

  11. 參賽者演奏之樂曲不屬比賽範圍內之樂曲,評判有權不作評分。

  12. 評判對一切藝術事宜有最終決定權,任何人士不得異議。

  13. 比賽場地之座位將優先留予該場比賽之參賽者。如個別場地座位不足,陪同參賽者之老師或家長有機會不獲安排進場。

  14. 不得於場內使用任何通訊或電子產品,亦不可攝影、錄音或錄影任何比賽過程(包括評判給予評語及宣佈賽果部份),違者將被請離場。

  15. 任何人士(包括參賽者)如在比賽場地造成滋擾,將被請離場甚或取消參賽資格。

  16. 所有關於賽事之照片、錄象及錄音,版權均屬主辦單位擁有。

  17. 出席比賽之人士應看管其個人財物,任何損失本會概不負責。

  18. 場地規則一律跟據場地單位之條款訂立,如有違規將影響參賽資格。

  19. 賽事之分紙及獎項將於賽事完結時派發,未能即時領取之參賽者可於賽事完結後兩個月內到指定地點領取,否則所有相關獎品及文件全權由本會處置。

  20. 所有比賽相關之任何決定及判決,主辦單位有最高及最終之決定權。

  21. 主辦單位有權修改及調整比賽相關之章程、規則、獎項、評委及所有比賽安排,所有修改均以網上發布為準,恕不另行通知。

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